Providers working with children prenatal through age five are encouraged to seek endorsement through the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health.
Endorsement establishes a standard of excellence against which professionals can evaluate their training and experience, employers can assess the expertise of an applicant, and consumers can make decisions about providers of services to their children and families.
CalAIMH and the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health are separate organizations that share a value of supporting professionals in the field. Practitioners who are interested in endorsement as an infant-family and early childhood mental health specialist or a reflective practice facilitator are encouraged to visit the website of the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health and review the California Training Guidelines and Personnel Competencies for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health.
CalAIMH supports the endorsement process by offering office hours for CalAIMH members who are working toward endorsement and would benefit from the support of other members and endorsed leaders to help them plan their pathway to endorsement. In addition, CalAIMH members who are reflective practice facilitators and mentors offer reflective practice facilitation groups for a discounted fee. These reflective practice groups provide the hours of reflective facilitation needed to qualify for endorsement. CalAIMH also maintains a list of training events offered by CalAIMH or community providers that may support professionals fulfilling areas of knowledge required for endorsement. For information about office hours, reflective supervision or CalAIMH training events visit your member page or email [email protected]