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January 2022 Newsletter


Honoring Jeree Pawl

Jeree Pawl Ph.D. a pioneer in the field of Infant Mental health died on November 19, 2021 at the age of 91. In 1979 Dr. Pawl was invited to the UCSF Department of Psychiatry as one of a team led by Selma Fraiberg. Their mission was to form an infant parent program to serve young children and families in San Francisco and train new mental health professionals in this
emerging field. In 1981 after the unexpected death of Selma Fraiberg Dr. Pawl became the director of the Infant Parent Program at UCSF serving for almost two decades. During that period, she expanded the program opening up new venues for infant mental health work such as services to childcare settings and consultations with child welfare organizations. She consulted to multiple programs in the Bay Area and beyond training and influencing hundreds
of professionals who went on to build careers in this field. In addition to being sought out by multiple systems and organizations, Dr. Pawl was also involved in helping these individuals she had trained as they nurtured and developed new services in the San Francisco Bay area and beyond.

In addition to her work in the Bay Area Dr. Pawl was a revered and beloved national leader serving on the Zero to Three board, traveling widely to teach and support this growing field, and authoring numerous articles and chapters that broadly influenced the work. In 2019 she was awarded Zero to Three’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dr. Pawl approached her work with compassion, humor, and a gift for getting to the heart of the matter. She had a capacity to connect with others, to believe in the value of this often-difficult work, and to inspire others to do so as well. She was warm and witty, caring, and paid attention to the details of clinical work in ways that opened meaning and possibility. She embodied kindness and a caring about others that conveyed a belief in their ability to grow and change. There is no way to sum up the wisdom, intelligence, and generosity of Dr. Pawl, but a quote from her work that offers some insight into her way of being in the world is known as the platinum rule or “Do unto others as you would others do unto others”. The title of one of her well-known works co-authored with Maria St. John entitled How you are is as Important as What you Do gives a second insight into her beliefs and work.

In 2017 when the hard tasks of building the structure of CalAIMH was at a point where the organization could be officially launched, Barbara Stroud and Mary Claire Heffron approached Dr. Pawl and asked her if she would be present at the official reception planned to take place at the Zero to Three National Conference in San Diego. She agreed, and her presence, her enthusiasm for the mission, and her blessings on this developing program were both an exuberant and meaningful sendoff for CalAIMH and a tribute to Dr. Pawl who had devoted much of her career to building the next generation of infant mental health providers and leaders.

- Mary Claire Heffron
Jeree-Alicia.01w-Board Members
L to R: Mary Claire Heffron, Alicia Lieberman, Jeree Pawl, Marie Poulson, Penny Knapp, Kristine Gose (CalAIMH member and Member of the Fresno Conference planning committee), Barbara Stroud and Sheri Terao (founding board member )

Thank you to our outgoing Board Members

Barbara Stroud, PhD, is the founder of CalAIMH and served as our inaugural President. She led our organization from its birth, through infancy and toddlerhood, and into our emergence to interactions outside our “family” to explore the community and bring new friends into our fold.
Barbara’s motto is “changing the world one relationship at a time,” and she made sure that passion for relationships was the very foundation of CalAIMH. To know Barbara is to feel connected, welcomed, and inspired. We will miss Barbara’s steadying hand and reflective leadership of the Board, but we know that she will always hold CalAIMH in her mind and continue to support our journey.
Penny Knapp, MD, is a founding CalAIMH member and has been a member of the Board since its inception. We have been so fortunate to have her expertise in policy stemming from her career as Professor at UC Davis and former Medical Director of the CA Department of Mental Health.
Penny’s influence was instrumental in the expansion of infant mental health services throughout California and the growth of the infant mental health workforce. Her quiet yet incisive reflections and recommendations helped the CalAIMH Board stay connected to the “pulse” of statewide changes and needs. We look forward to her continued connection to CalAIMH as a member, and I for one will miss seeing her original paintings as a background to our Zoom meetings.
- Marian Williams

Quarterly Happy Hour

Come connect with other CalAIMH members every quarter! Members are encouraged to bring a friend that might be interested in CalAIMH. Registration information will be sent out to members via email. Here are the details for our upcoming Happy Hour:
  • Wednesday, February 9th 5 pm - 6 pm

    The Marketing Committee Needs You!!

    Do you enjoy posting on social media? Are you interested in learning new skills? Are you passionate about CalAIMH and want to increase our reach? Join the marketing dream team today!
    Email us to join: [email protected]

    Meet a CalAIMH Member

    Carly Tolbert, LCSW, IFECMHS, RPF II

    Carly Tolbert is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has spent more than a decade in service to children and families in community mental health settings in and around Los Angeles.
    Carly Tolbert Photo
    She is the Founder of Kaftan Collective, an organization grounded in the practice of embodied awareness as a pathway to communal healing for Black, Indigenous and POC individuals, families, and communities. With a passion for supporting children ages birth to five and their families, Carly has dedicated much of her career to promoting trauma-informed, culturally attuned, clinical care and reflective consultation.

    Born and raised in Hyde Park, Los Angeles, Carly is committed to the work promoting equity and access in mental health; particularly in South Los Angeles where resources for holistic, culturally appropriate, mental health treatment are limited. Deeply inspired by the ancestral wisdom of leaders such as Maya Angelou, Sojourner Truth, Audre Lorde, bell hooks, and Harriet Tubman; Carly has dedicated her work to helping others find their voices, embody their power, embrace their strength and bask in beauty of their lived experience. She believes wholeheartedly in the practice of rest a birthright and as a necessity to sustaining the path of liberation and wellness.

    Carly connects with nature as resource and enjoys hiking and beach days with her family. Her two children, ages 7 and 8 years old, inspire her to slow down and connect with the present moment whenever she can. She takes pleasure in the small joys of life, like watching the hummingbirds in her backyard, savoring a great meal with a glass of wine, good belly laughs
    with her husband, and taking naps.

    Attention All Members!

    Work on a common cause or spark your creative channel. We would love to welcome more members to be involved in the different committees. Here are the meeting times for each committee:
    • Communities of Practice: The third Monday of the month at 7 pm
    • Marketing: The second Monday of the month from at 5 pm
    • Membership and Bylaws: The second Thursday of the month at 6 pm
    • Policy and Advocacy: The last Thursday of the month at 7:30 am
    • Training and Education: The third Monday of the month at 5 pm
    • Social Justice: The third Monday of the month at 3:30 pm
    Click below or email: [email protected] for more information on joining a committee!
    CalAIMH Committees

    In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

    • COMING SOON: Reflective Practice for Endorsement requirement purposes
      CalAIMH members will have opportunities to obtain reflective practice hours for endorsement from endorsed facilitators at a discounted rate. Keep an eye out for email announcements and more information on the CalAIMH member portal!
    • Good News Central
      Members: Do you have good news to share regarding your career or other ventures? Please go to your member portal to submit your news. You can include anything professional and it will be posted publicly on our website.
    CalAIMH is always looking for more training topics and webinar speakers.
    Interested professionals can email the Training Committee at [email protected].

    Want More Information?

    Looking for resources and job opportunities?
    Want to become a member or renew your membership?
    Looking for workshop or event information?
    Please note: This newsletter's content represents a collection of submitted information provided to the CalAIMH Marketing Committee, which is comprised of volunteer members.
    To volunteer for this or any committee, please send an email to: [email protected]
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