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March 2021 Newsletter


Good News Central

Members: Do you have good news to share regarding your career or other ventures? Please go to your member portal to submit your news. You can include anything professional and it will be posted publicly on our website.

Monthly Happy Hour

Starting this month, we are planning to host a Monthly Happy Hour for members. Our next one will be on March 23rd at 5:00 pm. Members are encouraged to bring a friend that might be interested in CalAIMH. Registration information will go out later this month to members via email.

An Opportunity to Meet Again!

On March 29th, 2021

The next in the series of community groups, Conversations from the Field, is scheduled for Monday, March 29th, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Board member Steven Loreus will facilitate a conversation with practitioners working with young children and families about keeping relations - between the parents and the child and between practitioners and the family - central in all the work we do. Our committee values engagement, so participation is limited to 10 members. Please check the CalAIMH website early for sign-up information.

Members working with young children and their families in California are welcome to join the Clinical Interventions Committee. Please email Elvia Cortes at [email protected]
Photo - Wendy Lee

Meet a CalAIMH Member

Wendy Lee, PsyD

Hi CalAIMH Members, my name is Wendy Lee, and I am a founding member and current Board Treasurer of CalAIMH. I graduated in 2001 from the University of Hartford in Connecticut with a clinical Psy.D, specialized in children's development (from prenatal, infancy to adolescence) and the importance of family relationships. Currently, I work at First 5, San Bernardino.

As an Infant, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, or "Baby-Whisper," per my husband and two teenage boys, the most joyful and magical experiences working with very young kiddos are witnessing their neurons firing, the twinkles in their eyes, and healthy connections made with their caregivers. I am cognizant of the privilege in my work that can lead to a lasting impact on human interactions and the healing potential.

Thank you, CalAIMH, for highlighting me and sharing the joy of what we all do!

Attention All Members!

Work on a common cause or spark your creative channel. Click below or email: [email protected] for more information.
CalAIMH Committees

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

  • Elvia Cortes, M.S. Ph.D. is one of three new members of the leadership team of the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health at WestEd Center for Prevention & Early Intervention. Congratulations Elvia!
  • The Training Committee would like to remind members to check out their member portal for the recorded webinar on "Considering Culture when Assessing and Diagnosing Children," presented by Marian Williams, Ph.D., and Patricia Lakatos, Ph.D., on February 26, 2021.
  • Interested in getting Endorsement Support? The next office hour is on Monday, March 22, 2021, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Flyer to be sent out shortly.
CalAIMH is always looking for more training workshops and webinar speakers.
Interested professionals can email the Training Committee at [email protected].

Want More Information?

Looking for resources and job opportunities?
Want to become a member or renew your membership?
Looking for workshop or event information?
Please note: This newsletter's content represents a collection of submitted information provided to the CalAIMH Marketing Committee, which is comprised of volunteer members.
To volunteer for this or any committee, please send an email to: [email protected]