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July 2021 Newsletter


Monthly Happy Hour

We are now hosting a Monthly Happy Hour for members. Members are encouraged to bring a friend that might be interested in CalAIMH. Registration information will be sent out each month to members via email. Here are the details for July's Happy Hour:

Board Elections - Coming Soon!

Call for board nominations coming soon. Stay tuned for more information about nominating a CalAIMH member.

CalAIMH Strategic Plan

The CalAIMH Board of Directors held a strategic planning retreat in June 2021. We are excited to take our ideas and turn them into action in the coming years. Some highlights . . .

Our strengths:
  • We are passionate about infant mental health
  • We have diverse voices
  • We care about social justice
  • Our membership is growing
  • We grow new leaders
Where we want to grow:
  • Bigger reach and impact
  • Ensure all disciplines feel welcome and critical to the mission
Key goals and strategies for CalAIMH:
  1. Inform the public about infant mental health and CalAIMH. We will develop multimedia materials that educate the general public about infant mental health, and at the same time showcase our transdisciplinary, ethnically diverse, accomplished, passionate membership
  2. Influence infant mental health policy in meaningful ways. We will develop strategies to engage CalAIMH members in engaging in policy work, including action steps and training on how to act. We will meet with legislators and legislative aides to share our mission and vision for the wellbeing of young children and families in California. We will strengthen partnerships with organizations that champion policy efforts on behalf of young children and families.
  3. Influence and strengthen the infant mental health workforce. We will develop strategies to mentor and nurture emerging leaders; offer consultation outside of CalAIMH in our areas of expertise; ensure that CalAIMH trainings are inclusive and appealing to members across disciplines.
All CalAIMH members are critical to our mission and success. If you are excited about these goals and strategies and want to get involved, reach out! Contact [email protected] to let us know what excites you. We will connect you with the movers and shakers within CalAIMH, and you will help us move and shake!

Training Updates!

Webinars and trainings:
Member Benefit Webinars and half day trainings will continue in lieu of the CalAIMH 2021 Conference. The training committee is working on planning the next trainings!
Save the date for our next half day training!
August 20, 2021 9 am - 12 pm
Presenter: Richard Cohen, Ph.D.
"Let's Assume Dads Are In"
This webinar will focus on the important role fathers play in the development of young children.
Dads Pic
Seeking Member Input:
Our committee is exploring the topic of Law and Ethics in Infant Mental Health. Please check your email for an upcoming email request. We are looking for dilemmas and scenarios that reflect legal and ethical issues encountered by infant mental health professional in the field.

Presenter Appreciation:
Last month, on June 18th, we offered our first virtual mini-training with 3 CEUs - Privileged Conversation: Balancing Support and Opening Possibilities for Reflective Supervision Provided by Mary Claire Heffron, Ph.D. and Desiree Yoro Yoo, LCSW. We had great participation and 15 new members joined CalAIMH to enjoy this free member benefit!

Reflective Practice Groups for Endorsement purposes:
The training committee has been working with a group of endorsed reflective facilitators to begin providing CalAIMH members opportunities to obtain reflective practice hours for endorsement at a discounted rate.

If you are interested in joining the Training & Education committee email us at: [email protected]
We meet virtually on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 pm

News from Clinical Interventions!

The Clinical Interventions Committee held the most recent installment of its Conversations From the Field: Supporting Foster and Bio Families in Child Welfare on June 28th. This most recent conversation co-facilitated by Committee Chair Dr. Elvia Cortes and Dr. Richard Cohen attracted a transdisciplinary group. As intended, the dialogue was personal and reflective and revealed both the challenges and rewards of supporting all the important people in a young child’s life.

Watch the website for future conversations. Feel free to contact Dr. Cortes ([email protected]) if you have an idea for a conversation.

Meet a CalAIMH Member

Wendy Sun, Psy.D.

Wendy is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in infant and early childhood mental health. As a therapist, reflective practice mentor, trainer, consultant, and clinical supervisor, Wendy has worked in a variety of roles for over 17 years delivering culturally-sensitive and strength-based mental health services to support young children in achieving their optimal potentials and to improve the quality of life for families.
Wendy Sun
Wendy is a founding member and the chair of the Membership and Bylaws Committee of CalAIMH. She currently works for a community mental health program as a Co-Executive Director. She also has a small private practice where she sees clients on Saturdays.

Born in Taiwan, Wendy grew up in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan. She moved to Los Angeles, CA at age 13 and got her very first exposure to the study of psychology in an American high school. She has been intrigued by the study of the mind and human interactions ever since. Wendy loves to travel! She enjoys visiting new places and experiencing the unique culture of each place. She also has a special place in her heart for Disneyland. This photo was taken in Hawaii, which was the last trip Wendy took prior to the pandemic. She is looking forward to the day when traveling feels safe again.

New Committee Spotlight!

Vision: To identify and introduce supports that facilitate diverse and equitable access to experiences of relational health, resilience, and overall well-being for all children and families in California and those who work in service of them by advancing equity, acknowledging diversity and
improving access.

Purpose: To engage organizations and individuals by promoting caregiver-child relational approaches in contemplation, conversation, and action that champions social justice, through holding the unique experiences of all young children prenatally to age five to affect sustainable systemic change.

Mission: To expand the capacity of a transdisciplinary, relationally informed community across California to reflect and act upon professional and personal experiences so as to disrupt the impact of bias, disparity, and racism by enhancing the overall well-being of children prenatally to five, their families, and the systems that serve them.

Attention All Members!

Work on a common cause or spark your creative channel. Click below or email: [email protected] for more information.
CalAIMH Committees

The Marketing Committee Needs You!!

Do you enjoy posting on social media? Are you interested in learning new skills? Are you passionate about CalAIMH and want to increase our reach? Join the marketing dream team today!
Email us to join: [email protected]

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

  • CalAIMH Board Members at WAIMH 2021:
    Board Members Richard Cohen, Ph.D. and Desiree Yoro Yoo, LCSW were presenters at the World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference in June 2021. Their recorded presentation titled "Reflective Practice in Child Welfare and Supporting the Development of a Culture Change to Create Relational Safety" is available for viewing to all registrants of the WAIMH 2021 conference.
  • Office Hours for Endorsement Support
    Endorsement support for members to start the endorsement process with CA Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health was offered on June 28th. This month we are offering office hours to support members interested in getting endorsed as a Reflective Practice Mentor (RPM). Please email [email protected] to request a link to attend.
  • Good News Central
    Members: Do you have good news to share regarding your career or other ventures? Please go to your member portal to submit your news. You can include anything professional and it will be posted publicly on our website.
CalAIMH is always looking for more training topics and webinar speakers.
Interested professionals can email the Training Committee at [email protected].

Want More Information?

Looking for resources and job opportunities?
Want to become a member or renew your membership?
Looking for workshop or event information?
Please note: This newsletter's content represents a collection of submitted information provided to the CalAIMH Marketing Committee, which is comprised of volunteer members.
To volunteer for this or any committee, please send an email to: [email protected]