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HOPE: Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences

Healthy Outcomes for Positive Experiences Please join us to learn more about making a positive difference in the lives of children and families After attending this workshop, attendees will: Be able to name the 7 crucial PCEs Label the 4 building blocks of HOPE Identify 1 thing you can change in your parenting/teaching/practice to promote access to each building block.



Conversations From The Field

In partnership with First 5 LA: African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative / SanFernando & Santa Clarita Valleys Community Action Team.



This page is dedicated to offering resources for serving, advocating for, and connecting to other helping organizations to support the health and well being of infants and young children and their families.

2018-2024 Copyright by California Association for Infant Mental Health. All rights reserved.